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Home accommodation for LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers

Venue: HOBO Helsinki - Playground Kluuvikatu 4, 00100 Helsinki
Link: Open the WWW page

Home Accommodation Support Association – Kotimajoituksen tuki ry –co-organizes with Helsinki Pride an event on home accommodation for LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers.

Asylum seekers can choose to stay in home accommodation instead of a reception centre. Many LGBTIQ+ people prefer homestay with a local host for various reasons. There is constant need for home accommodation.

We’ll cover the basics of home accommodation and specific issues related to hosting LGBTIQ+ people. A person who has lived in and another one who has provided home accommodation will share their experiences.

You are welcome to hear more and discuss about home accommodation as a meaningful way to advance LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers’ rights!


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