Home Accommodation Network has activities all over Finland in local groups. The volunteers of the groups organize home stays, interview those interested in offering or moving to home stay and support them during the accommodation, as well as manage social media channels and do local networking.
If you would like to be part of the activities, please get in touch with the nearest local group directly. You can find contacts in the following Facebook groups to local activists and groups:
Kotimajoitusta turvapaikkaa tarvitseville (Finland) – valtakunnallinen ryhmä
Kotimajoitus Helsinki-Espoo-Vantaa
Kotimajoitusverkosto Keski-Uusimaa
Kotimajoitusverkosto Itä-Uusimaa (Mäntsälä, Pornainen, Porvoo, Sipoo)
Kotimajoitusverkosto Turku ja Varsinais-Suomi
Kotimajoitusverkosto Satakunta
Kotimajoitusverkosto Lahti ja lähialueet
Kotimajoitus Tampere ja Pirkanmaa
Kotimajoitus Hämeenlinna ja lähialueet
Starting new local groups
If there are no activities in your area yet, we also welcome starting such activities anew.
For the Home Accommodation Support association it is important to know about home accommodation all over the country and we welcome you to get in touch and let us know what is going on in your local area.
It might turn out that there already are or has been local activitities or that other people interested in it have also been in contact with the association – in which case we can bring interested people together.
We find it very important that everyone involved is committed to basic principles of the network.
We strive for home accommodations that are well considered and mutually agreed upon, egalitarian and based on trust and respect of privacy.
Local groups provide useful information
Home Accommodation Network and its support association have organized trainings, helped local actors to interview and prepare new hosts so that home stays can be carried out as succesfully as possible.
The social media channels of the network and the association are useful sources of information concerning legal proceedings, asylum policy and other necessary information for hosts and those accommodated in home stay.
If there is a need for activities related to home accommodaton in your locality and you are interested in starting it, please get in touch with the staff at the support association.
You can discuss home accommodation related matters and what support activities are neeeded in your area and who else in your are might be interested in getting involved.
It is good if the activities have several volunteers on board and all of it does not depend on one person.
You can plan local activities together with our staff member, and from the national network you may receive tips on what models have worked elsewhere. <link> Contact information Henkilöstö